Done For You Programs Shop

Done For You Programs for Health Coaches



Done For You Opt-in Freebies

You’ve got the programs you need, but your business could use a dash of something extra. From opt-in freebies to business builders, that special something you’ve been looking for is right here:

Clean Eating
Cleansing and Detox
Daily Habits
Emotional Eating
Essential Oils
Gut Health
Mental Health
Weight Loss
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Done For You Challenges

The first essential step is to build awareness about your expertise and spread the message through your content that will attract your ideal client based on their unique problems. Challenges are mini problem solvers that lead to a call to action [CTA] such as Join my Free Group, Sign up for the Free Course.

Clean Eating
Cleansing and Detox
Daily Habits
Emotional Eating
Essential Oils
Gut Health
Mental Health
Weight Loss
1 2

Done For You Workshops

We know you need workshops for free workshops, paid workshops and even paid masterclasses, which is why we created the done for you workshops for health coach and wellness professionals, so take advantage of our expertise and rock out your next workshop online or offline in style.

Clean Eating
Cleansing and Detox
Daily Habits
Emotional Eating
Essential Oils
Gut Health
Mental Health
Weight Loss
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


We know you need content in addition to your signature programs and courses, which is why we created the done for you copywriting for health coach and wellness professionals.

Done For You Detox and Clean eating Programs

A good niche-specific funnel has it all: kick-ass set of life-changing programs, a list-building strategy, an irresistible gateway program and programs that can be used online and offline.

Done For You Gateway Programs (7-21 Days Programs)

If you don’t need a full system but want to build your list and draw new clients, check out my a la carte tripwire and gateway program options. You need a powerful gateway program.

Gateway program (n): a reasonably priced coaching system that guarantees your clients results with minimal financial investment on their part.

Gateway programs give your people a taste of what you do, and the results they crave – without emptying their wallets. PLUS, it creates a fabulous passive income stream for you (who doesn’t love money in the bank?) Average length is 7-30 Days.

Pick the one that’s perfect for your clients and niche:

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Mega Programs (30+ Days Programs)

Your business is almost there. Every season, your calendar is booked. You just wish you had a little more free time and you know your clients are craving more time with you. Coach, you can sell a higher-value, longer program to your top clients. Help them get lasting, long-term results while giving yourself a break. There’s a program below that’s perfect for you:

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Health & Wellness Courses

We know what it takes to run a healthy essential oils business and that is why we have created multiple opportunities for you to build your business with ease: funnels. Opt in freebies and even a cleanse and restore doTerra cleanse. First touch, Second touch, Third Touch.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Essential Oils Programs

We know what it takes to run a healthy essential oils business and that is why we have created multiple opportunities for you to build your business with ease: funnels. Opt in freebies and even a cleanse and restore doTerra cleanse. First touch, Second touch, Third Touch.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Content

Sick and tired of wasting energy writing blogs to looking for pictures? We get it because we are health coaches. We created the content packages because we know what it takes to make it and not pull your hair out. We have you covered when it comes to done for you content for your health coach biz.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Recipes

Give your clients delicious recipes for healthier living while building your list, getting more clients, and increasing your income!

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Website Copy

Introducing the First and Only Done for You COMPLETE 4-Page Website Copy Kit.

We are the only content hub providing done for you website copy LIKE THIS. These aren’t your standard templates. This is complete copy. You plug in your information and it converts in 1 simple click. These themes are incredibly flexible and easily customizable. Look like an expert right from the start without the hefty price tag.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Websites

The most epic and customizable WordPress Themes & Templates for Health and Wellness Professionals.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Done For You Funnels

Don’t know your funnel for success? Struggling to get clients to your Work with Me page or your program? STOP. Meet your new BFF. OUR SYSTEMS, which are niche specific and will help you to nail down your funnel for success and that is what will help you to get clients… trust me because it worked for me.

Choose the funnel that bet fits your niche and sub-niche.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Funnel #1: All About The Gut

5 day gut challenge
10 day sugar detox
Restore your gut health


Funnel #2: The Ultimate Weight Loss Journey

Easy Weight Loss Rockstar
A New You Weight Loss Progam
60-Day Weight Loss


Funnel #3: Kicking Sugar Addiction To The Curb

How to Quit Sugar for Life Workshop
10 Day Sugar Detox
Sugar Repair


Funnel #4: Cleansing & Rebuilding The Immune System

3 Day Juice Cleanse And Smoothies 10 Day Sugar Detox 5 Day Gut Challenge Restore Your Gut Health


Funnel #5: Hormones

Women’s Hormone Workshop
21 Day HormoneDetox
6 Month Retune Your Hormones


Funnel #6: Mindset & Emotional Eating

Your Can End Emotional Eating
Reset Your Life In Only 21 Days
Mindset Makeover


Funnel #7: Adrenal Fatigue

7 Day Sugar Cleanse
Adrenal Restart
21 Day Clean Eating Program
Restore Your Gut Health


Funnel #8: Ketogenic Transition System

Detox Rockstar
Grain-Free & Paleo Rockstar
Ketogenic Program Made Easy


Funnel #9: Clean Eating

5 Day Clean Eating Challenge
21 Day Clean Eating Program
4 Month Reboot


Content In A Box Membership

You have questions that deserved to get answered, but you have anywhere to ask until now. You get four business calls plus meal plans delivered to your inbox plus blogs and marketing videos, so you don’t fall into the trap of being stuck, like so many coaches and not moving forward. Build your business online and offline without spending a ton of money. Get access to the Resources and the Calls ASAP.


Get Customizable Recipes for your Clients & Business Classes for You



Get Customizable Recipes for your Clients & Business Classes for You


Business Courses

Tired of buying courses that ARE NOT GEARED towards health coaches or the lifestyle niche is all good because I have you covered…buy one of our business courses and we cater to you – the health and wellness coach. Build your business, nail down your niche and attract your ideal client. Make $ doing what you love.

*Payment Plan Available. Click Learn More.

Success is living each day doing what you love. Live it, Coach.

I send the materials right to your inbox, and you start editing your done for you program.
Then you share, share and share.

Your Time is now my friend...

Say YES to your success!

My name is Rachel A. Feldman

I am a kick-ass business coach for health and wellness professionals, who are sick and tired of having businesses that do not attract the ideal client or when they do, they do not have a system to teach them. I help them define niche, story, backstory, a system, and a leak-free business sales funnel. I had my own health struggles that lead me to be a health coach and then organically became a biz coach after my struggles and mastered my own leak free business funnel system. I went from making 13k to 6 figures by year 3 and now I am proud to say, I rock a business that feeds my soul, my spirit, and my family.


Most frequent questions and answers

For starters, I just didn’t come up with these programs on a whim because I thought they were the “in” thing to do. Before I became a business coach for health coaches and the creator of the Done-For-You Programs, I had an upstanding health coaching practice. I helped support hundreds of clients to reach their goals, uncover gut issues, lose weight, detox properly, break their sugar addiction, and restore their mind, body, and soul using the holistic principles from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I furthered my education at Wild Rose Natural College of Healing, the International School of Detoxification and Natalia Rose Advanced Detox Certification Training. I never stopped learning and I needed these programs for my own clients. These programs are tried and tested to give proven results. I base my programs on the teachings of many world-renowned health experts. When you purchase a Done-For-You Program you can rest assured that there have been 8,500+ health coaches before you who have built thriving practices using these programs. I’m here to support you in the group and so is my team. With us, you’re never alone.

We believe in the power of seasonal eating, which is why we create a different program every season, with new recipes, new social media, new content and deliver this program to you. We have seen coaches build and brand their business using the seasonal detox and clean eating program. If you have any questions, please contact us. The program DOES include seasonal grains and beans.

No worries, email us at [email protected] and we will help get you started on a prior season that works with your location. We have years of seasons waiting to be launched by you!

When you purchase a Done-For-You Program from you receive fully-editable files in .doc format. All you need is MS Office, specifically word to edit the client files. You can also purchase MS Office 365 for $9.99/month if needed. You can add your name to the copyright information and claim all this hard work as your very own. How awesome is that? All I ask is that you do not publish as an Amazon book, but I’m sure you knew that already because if that were the case everyone would have the same book. Please read the Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer Please.

Investing in yourself and in your business is always worth it. You can’t expect to grow as a business owner if you don’t have the programs you need, the time-saving tools to help you along the way, or the accountability to help guide you through the entire process. With us, you get all of the above plus materials that you can use at any time of the year – even with the detox as the opt in freebies or the power points can be used for your business year round.

Because these programs are instantly delivered to you without a waiting moment, you receive the digital files. Therefore, these programs are non-returnable and because of this, they are non-refundable. If you make a mistake during your purchase please contact [email protected] to resolve the matter.

It takes a village to raise a child, and sometimes it takes an entire team to help grow a health coaching business. You’re not a fraud! I encourage you to rename the programs you purchase, edit the files in your own voice, and add at least 15-20% of your personality anywhere throughout the documents. It’s ok to get help! I want you to coach more and do less of this “back-end” work. Don’t you?

For starters, you get additional support in our free groups! You get me, Rachel Feldman, and access to my team of educated and resourceful moderators from tech support to program launching support. You get it all, coach. I often do livestreaming in the groups to help you as well. If you’d like private one to one coaching then you can email [email protected] , and we’ll send you an application to see if we are a good fit. If you’d like to join Your Health Coach Launch School, you can do so by clicking here. The launch school is perfect for the coach who needs helpful support and would love to get it in a group setting. You can’t beat the value and price of the launch school.

If you need a straightforward, easy-to-sell program that works for all your clients, no matter what their unique needs, this is the one for you. It’s more than just another cookie-cutter cleanse program that puts too much pressure on your client – it’s a program designed to work for every body type, every need and even for every sensitivity.


The Basic option gives you the bare bones of the awesome program but not the business builders, such as the social media, pre-marketing email funnel, opt-in freebies, powerpoint presentations and more.

The Rockstar option gives you everything you need in your business to launch and market your business like a pro. We created the Rockstar option because we know what it takes to be a Rockstar health coach.

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of a downloadable product, we do not issue refunds. If you have questions about what product is right for you, please contact us via the chat box at the bottom of the page. Thank you for understanding, and we look forward to supporting you. Please make sure you have read our Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.

Become an affiliate

Want to be an affiliate? Sweet. You can rock the ripple effect and share the love with another wellness professional. Join our affiliate program and receive a referral for rockin’ the ripple effect and helping another wellness professional start their business with the right tools and the right community support. Click here to become an affiliate.

Important Notice: Your use and purchase from this site signifies your agreement with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer. If you do not agree with my Terms & Conditions and Product Disclaimer, please do not buy this product and close this website.

The Done For You Programs for Health Coaches by Rachel Feldman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. RE-SALE OF ALL PROGRAM MATERIALS IS PROHIBITED.